Thursday 17 December 2015

Day 34/trenta - quattro

Note: I have either not had internet connection or I have been so busy that I haven't been able to catch up that much but now I have got a bit more time and internet connection.

After I turned over in my bed and fell asleep again the light beamed in my face before I turned into a snoring mess. After breakfast we threw on our clothes and walked to the bus stop feeling still exhausted but knowing that we were definitely going to fully wake up soon. The past few minutes were an exhausted trance of grumpiness but the city centre, when we saw it, it lifted our spirits. We jumped off the bus and walked into a side street and gazed down at the rows and rows of market stalls filled with clothes for 1 or 2 euro's each and bags for 3. This was where I wanted to stay for the rest of my life (I love clothes!) We slowly floated into the shops otherwise known for me as heaven.

After Mum and Dad dragged me away from all the stores and I had bought 1 or 2 things (okay, maybe I bought a few more) we set off back to the bus stop and got there in perfect timing. We got on the Underground and went all the way to the last stop where at the other end one of my Mum's work friends came to pick us up and would take us on a little driving trip around the edge of Rome.

We were in the car chatting about being back in Dad's old town called Monte Compatri. We got home and me and Barbara (mum's friend) made ice cream/ gelato. Delicious!!!!!!!! We had a yummy dinner chatted for a while and eventually Dad, Mum and I went home.
Btw... (my sister is away in Scotland)  

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